I did a favor for a friend of mine and turned down the money he tried to pay me, because it was a favor. He decided to pay me anyway---he gave me a box of Godiva candy!
You need to understand that I have a very special relationship with Godiva chocolates---especially the truffles! My relationship with the Godiva truffles is so special that if I were ever forced to chose between the Godiva truffles and my Cute Fajita Delivery Guy it would be a seriously hard decision to make.
Actually, I have to be honest with you---I would pick the truffles.
I would pick the truffles and then after I had eaten all the Godiva truffles in the world I would go back to my Cute Fajita Delivery Guy.
I'm a girl who likes to have her truffles and eat them too. lol!
Anyway---back to my story. I was so excited about my box of candy! Then it was explained to me that it was "no big deal". He was there to get his free piece of candy and just decided to pick up the box for me.
FREE CANDY!?!?! No one told me about the free candy!!!
At some top secret point in time Godiva started a rewards program that allows members to get one free piece of candy a month. There are other perks too, but they had me at FREE CANDY!
I was in the Godiva store at Christmas buying gifts and no one told me about the rewards program. I was back in there in February buying myself a Valentine treat and no one told me about rewards program.
Excuse me, but you've got a chick buying Valentine candy for herself and if you need to tell anyone about the free candy deal it would be her---and that's me! So why didn't anyone tell me?!?!
Trust me, I wasted no time in getting to the mall after school today to register for my rewards and get my free piece of candy. lol! You can sign up for your free candy here.
Everyone should get free candy!