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Earlier tonight I decided to get comfortable on the bed and do some things while I watched TV. That way if I fell asleep I would already be in bed. Well, the phone rang and I wasn't close enough to the nightstand to just pick it up so I rolled over to get it. However, I kept rolling and rolled off the bed and onto the floor. I didn't get get hurt or anything but it took me a minute or two to get back up because I was laughing at myself. I never did answer the phone. LOL!
It looks like we're going to have a rainy week. YUCK! Hurricane season doesn't even start until June 1st and they're already watching a system. I just love how the local channels always make it seem much worse than it is. But....maybe we can get out for the summer even earlier....LOL!
Here's another layout I made using Flowerscraps The Old Swing Kit. I played with the transparency on three of the background papers to put this together.

OK,I'm off to bed now. Enjoy your day!