We've had some cool weather lately and it's been great. Of course, Friday when I took my class outside all they wanted to do was go back inside because it was cold. I tried telling them that it was colder in our classroom then it was outside but they didn't listen. lol!
I didn't accomplish everything on my to do list this weekend, but I did get quite a few things done.
I slept way too much and it was awesome. The cooler weather was perfect sleeping weather!
I didn't find my resort pass, but I do have the cash to pay for a new one tomorrow.
I finished the book I was reading and started a new one.
I've prepublished the wordart for my trip out of town.
I didn't get the table cleaned off. I actually added more junk to the pile.
I got the laundry done, but I haven't started packing for my trip yet.
I got all caught up with the novel writing and even got a little bit ahead. So far I'm on schedule to finish by the end of the month. That would be so cool!
All in all, I would say that I've had a very productive weekend. Now, four days of work and I get a mini vacation! Here's hoping time goes by quickly!