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Tuesday was our 90th day of school and that means that there are only 90 more to go until summer vacation! I love my class, but man am I ever looking forward to vacation!
More postcards arrived! We received cards from Australia, San Diego, Boston, Daytona Beach, New York and Houston. Thank you all so much!
Heather, the kids were so impressed that you knew how to make a postcard! I think you're their new hero!
We're cold again. It was cold yesterday and it's cold now. Today's high might be 70and it is supposed to get into the 40's tonight. YUCK! I just don't know how you guys that live up north deal with it all winter long. It's making me crazy!
I pulled out April's Winter's First Snow Kit and played with it today. I made a quick layout and you're going to get it as a quickpage. There's room for your journaling. Here's what mine look like...

And, here's where you can download the quickpage.
I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day!