OK, which one of you tore extra days off of my calendar so that I would think it was July already? LOL! How is it that the month of May and the first two weeks of June felt like they were never ending, but now time is going so quickly. It's just not fair!
We saw Eclipse on Wednesday and it was wonderful. Each one of these movies is better than the one before it, but none of them are as good as the books. My friend Natalie even ditched her in-laws that are visiting from England for the day so that she could have a girls day at the movies with us. LOL!
After the movie we had lunch at our usual place---The Cheesecake Factory. Have I told you that I love The Cheesecake Factory? LOL! And yes, I also had my usual leftover cheesecake breakfast on Thursday.
I'm excited about the weekend! I just love the Fourth of July and the fireworks! We'll be cooking out on Sunday and that's always fun.
My "what if" guy is coming into town tomorrow for the long weekend and that should be very interesting. I'll let you know what happens when Orange Croc Guy meets What If Guy. LOL!
Right now I'm going to get some sleep so that I can get up early and get some errands run. Enjoy your day!