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We didn't get to go to the playground today because it started raining right at recess time. Then it stopped and the sun came out until it was time for me to come home and it started raining again.
It rained pretty hard too. There were people in Miami that had their power knocked out and some of the local roads flooded. One advantage of living on the beach is that we don't lose our power as often as they do in Miami and when we do lose it, it tends to come back on pretty quickly.
Flowerscraps has a new kit coming out called Night Out that is just awesome. Here's a preview for you...

I made two layouts with the kit and plan to do more. Here are my LOs...

You can get the kit at One Single Seed or at Stuff to Scrap.
Here's today's bonus wordart...

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I'm going to bed. Enjoy your day!