September 1, 1993
Pat walked Harmony into her Kindergarten classroom on the first day of school as she smiled from ear to ear with pride. Her baby was starting Kindergarten. Harmony was a shy girl with big green eyes that always looked like they were about to fill up with tears.
Pat introduced herself and Harmony to her teacher, Mrs. Cotton then explored the room as she held Harmony’s hand and pointed out all the colorful shapes and pretty pictures on the wall. When they arrived at Harmony’s desk, Pat handed the girl the book bag that contained her crayons and pencils, kissed her forhead, promised to pick her up at two when school was over and walked out the door.
Pat stood in the hallway for a few minutes and watched as Harmony sat quietly in her chair. Pat was so proud of the little girl she considered her daughter. Harmony looked lovely and ready to take over the world in her new dress and shiny black shoes. Pat wiped away the proud tears that had formed in her eyes as she turned to walk out of the building.
At two o’clock on the dot the front doors of the school opened and children began piling out of the building. The older children exited first and were obviously happy to be finished for the day. The younger children walked out in a line with their teachers leading the way. Pat spotted Harmony’s teacher then saw Harmony toward the end of the line. She waved and was thrilled to see Harmony’s smile as she waved back. Harmony pulled on her teacher’s shirt then pointed out Pat in the crowd of parents. Mrs. Cotton gave Harmony a hug and waved to Pat as she watched Harmony walk toward her.
This was the daily routine for Harmony’s entire Kindergarten year. Pat showed up for all parent conferences and was the proudest parent in the auditorium when Harmony received a perfect attendance award on the last day of school. Harmony smiled and waved to Pat from the stage and Pat waved back.
Pat had no idea that Harmony hated school. She knew nothing of the teasing Harmony had to put up from the other students in class. She had no idea that Harmony had no friends. Pat didn't know these things because Harmony didn’t want her to know. Harmony was afraid that if she talked to Pat about the things other kids said to her Pat would become angry. She wasn’t worried that Pat would be angry with the other kids, but that Pat would be angry with her. Harmony couldn’t stand the idea of having Pat angry or disappointed in her so she kept quiet and pretended everything was fine.