Today was truck/career day at school and that's always good for some laughs. I really hope someone warns these presenters to be careful before they ask a bunch of Kindergarten students if they have any questions. lol!
There was a guy there who works to help rid homes and businesses of bees and other animals. He has an old firetruck that he's painted with a beehive to advertise his work. He showed us his truck and explained that he needed to long ladder to help him get to the top of some of the buildings in town. He talked about safety and how he leaves home each morning with 10 fingers, 10 toes and a belly button and how he wants to go home at the end of the day with 10 fingers, 10 toes and a belly button. He was really funny! Well, when it was time for questions there were a couple about his truck, but one little boy was insistent on wanting to see that belly button the guy kept talking about. lol!
My favorite presenter of the day was the milkmen. There were two guys (one said he was 85 years old) that were milkmen back in the day when the milk bottles got delivered to homes. I loved hearing their stories! They were even driving one of the original trucks that they used to drive back then. The guys said it was the truck that replaced the horse and carriage deliveries. It was really cool!