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I was talking to another teacher at school today who has a child in my friend Natalie's room. Apparently, her daughter heard us talking about the Oscars and saw the dress that Natalie would be wearing when she brought it in at lunchtime for us to see. She was able to pick up enough information to know that Natalie was going somewhere and that there was a TV show involved. She went home Thursday turned the TV on, started watching MTV and looking for "the lady in the green dress" LOL! She got the dress color correct, but I have no idea what she heard that made her think Natalie would be on MTV. LOL!
There was no call from George Clooney today. Do you remember when David Letterman was keeping track of how many days went by before he heard from Oprah? I kind of feel like I'm doing that with the call from George now. LOL! You know, he should just call already! LOL!
I got another layout done using April's Lucky Leprechaun Kit. I just love this kit!

Now, if you would like to pick up an awesome and free tagger size kit called Irish Eyes go visit Dianna at Digicats (and Dogs). It's her first kit and she has done a wonderful job on it. Make sure you let her know how much you like it so we can get her to do more! LOL!
The cold medicine is kicking in so I've got to get some sleep. Have a great weekend!