It's always so hard to get back on schedule after having time off from work. By the time I get back on schedule the weekend will be here and I'll be staying up late again. LOL!
The rain finally came and boy did it rain hard! Now, Let's hope it helped to clean my car a little. It's supposed to rain more today. I really hope we'll be able to take the kids outside. Mondays are bad enough as it is, not being able to let them outside for awhile makes it a very long day!
Today was the last day of hurricane season. I'm glad we didn't have a storm here, but I could have used more than two days off from school because of the weather. We don't get snow here. LOL!
Talk about snow! Toby sent me this photo of her standing on her back porch in Canada. Anyone want to volunteer to go help her shovel snow? LOL! I wonder how many days of school we would get off if it snowed like that in Miami!

I scrapped the picture using April's Winter Wonderland Kit. It's an awesome kit and it's on sell! Just check out this preview...

By the way, April is the featured designer at Scrap It Sassy! Go check out her store there. She's got an awesome sell going on and you don't want to miss it!

There's no special reason for today's wordart. I just liked it. LOL! You can pick it up here
Now, I'm off to force myself to get some sleep. Have a great day!