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I just can't wait to feel like I'm back at 100% again. Right now, it feels like I take two steps forward and one step backward. Of course, being a kindergarten teacher doesn't really help very much. Lots of the kids are still fighting colds themselves.
I took a little more time to play today after my nap. LOL! Here's another layout I made using April's Fishing With Dad Kit. I'm having fun playing with these graphics! They're great for getting your creative spark back.

Thursday is the last day of school with kids for the week. Friday is a teacher workday. I'm excited about Friday! LOL! I'm still playing catch up at school and need the time in my classroom.
I'm still undecided if I'll be sleeping through this weekend like I did the last one. Right now, there is a forcast for lots and lots of sleep. Speaking of which, I'm off to bed now. Enjoy your day!