We had a fun last day before Christmas vacation. We did the usual Polar Express activities and the kids were awesome. They all played along and used their imaginations to see the North Pole.
Of course, there were two teachers,one volunteer and zero cameras in the room. What's wrong with us!!! I normally always have a camera in my purse, but I left it at home after charging up the battery. I'm such a dork.
The kids were all excited to give me the presents they picked out for me. One little girl walked in shuffed a present into my hands and said, "This is for you. It's underwear." LOL!
It was actually a really cute top. Her mom had picked it out and wrapped it up one day while she was at school. Apparently, mom was getting tired of her asking what was in the box and was also afraid that she would tell me and ruin the secret. So, she just said it was underwear. Pretty good thinking on mom's part even if it did scare me at first. lol!
Orange Croc Guy has been all over me to use that stupid Neti Pot again. It's not happening for two reasons....
1) It's really gross and I can't stand it.
2) It's all wrapped up in pretty gold paper with a big red bow so that I can
give it back to him for Christmas. lol!
Next time the dude decides to buy me a present, I bet he'll think about what I want and not what he thinks I need. lol!