Download wordart here
The button in the wordart is from The Scrappin Cop. She did an excellent job of photographing and extracting lots of buttons awhile back and she put them on her blog as CU freebies.
Did you have a great 4th of July? I did! The rain stayed away long enough for us to have a great party/cookout. I ate way too much and then came in and took a nap. LOL! The fireworks this evening were awesome too. I just can't tell you how much I love living where all I have to do is walk outside and look up to see fireworks displays from several locations in Miami. All the beauty without the hassle of the traffic! LOL!
I'm not going to be around for the next couple of days so I've preposted some wordart for you. Apparently, some people are having trouble with their prepublished posts not posting so I hope it works. If not, I'll get them all posted for you by the end of the week.
Enjoy your day!