I've got my car back from the shop now and all is right in my world once again. Driving home from work in my own car and being able to use the express lanes was like winning the lottery. I'm telling you, if I were a musician I would write a love song to/for/about the express lanes. LOL!
We celebrated our first Zero the Hero Day of the school year on Friday. One of the boys in my class...the shortest skinnest little 5 year old you've ever seen...only had one thing to say about Zero the Hero and he said it to everyone. Here's the direct quote...."If I see him, I'm going to punch him in the face." He said this with lots of emotion while shaking his little fists in the air. I'm not sure why he decided not to like Zero the Hero, but I am glad he didn't figure out that I'm Zero the Hero. LOL!