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Well, the good news is that I don't have to go to jury duty tomorrow. The bad news is that I have to go on Monday. LOL! I dialed the number after 5 tonight hoping to hear that I wasn't needed, but that wasn't meant to be. Now, I almost wish I was going tomorrow just so it would be over with.
I also have more news about our 100th day. When I posted that it was on the 31st, I was going by our original calendar. I forgot all about school starting two days late this year because of hurricane season. That means our 100th day will be on February 3rd. I'm kind of glad about that because it gives me a couple of extra days to get the postcards in the mail. By the way, have I said thank you? I am still just so touched by how many people have offered to help us.
I made another layout using April's awesome Fluttering Dragonflies Kit and you get this one as a quickpage. I used more pictures from Vizcaya. These pictures show the pool area and how it goes up under the house. The pictures don't show you just how pretty it really is though.

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