Download wordart hereI've got lots of things that I wanted to tell you about today, but instead I need to tell that I made a big mistake and shared my blog with the people at work and now I may have to change my name leave the country.
Another teacher talked about the card drive we've got going for Sebastian in our faculty meeting and asked if other teachers would have their kids make cards. Everyone was so open to the idea even though they don't know him that I thought it would be nice for them to "meet" him and shared the blog link.
Yeah, I didn't think that one through very well! Stupid me thought they would read about Sebastian and move on. BUT NO! They keep reading about my life and telling me that they're doing it. They're all laughing at me and asking questions and pointing fingers. It's awful! I feel like my secret identity has been exposed and now I've lost all my super powers.
I think there were a hand full of people that knew I blogged, but they didn't know where I blogged and I liked it that way. You see, if the people I know don't know what I'm blogging about they can't tell my mom and if they can't tell my mom then I can't get grounded or disowned or placed on Santa's bad list.
The guidance counselor at my school was the only one who ever found my blog on her own. That's only because she got smart one day and started googling "orange
croc guy and cute fajita delivery guy". Why do guidance counselors have to be such over achievers?
Anyway, they're all on to me now and I have to do something until they lose interest in my lack of a life and move on. I've got a couple of ideas that may work and I want to see what you guys think.
First of all, I'm thinking about adding subliminal messages to all my blog posts.
I work with the best people in the whole world. They're be very subtle and you won't even know they're here.
If you work at GPES stop reading this and go grade papers or something. If the messages work I won't have to keep them up for very long.
GPES people should never visit this site again. I'm confident this idea will work!One teacher was talking to me and trying to figure out which posts were real and which ones were shares from my
NaNoWriMo writing. She figured out on her own that the posts in blue were fiction.
That lead me to my second idea---
I can just start posting everything in blue. Blue is my favorite color after all! The problem with this idea is that I'm blonde and I'm afraid I'll get confused about what's real and what's not. Plus, I really need to use orange when I'm quoting Orange Croc Guy and red when I'm quoting the Cute Fajita Delivery Guy cause he's just so hot!My third and last idea would be the hardest to pull off, but will probably have the fastest and most permanent results.---I could scare them away! I can get the basement ghosts from my photography class, that evil speed checker thingy from the road and my bi-polar GPS that purposely tries to get me lost to gang up on those blog trespassers. The only problem with this idea is that I may scare myself away too. Seriously, my GPS is mean!
If none of these ideas work, I'm probably going to go all federal witness protection on you guys and disappear. So, if I suddenly abandon this blog and it gets taken over by someone named Susie Mae in Wyoming or some other place that's not Miami don't worry. I promise she'll be just as pretty as I am.