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I know that I was supposed to post who won the $5.00 gift certificate at Stuff to Scrap yesterday, but it was a pretty busy day for me so I didn't get around to it. Sorry!
I want you to know that I cheated more then once while doing this. LOL! I know that I said only people who posted on their blog and left a comment here would be put in the drawing, but I got so many wonderful emails from people that I included them in the drawing too.
I was really touched by how many people said they would make a post, but not to include them in the drawing because they just wanted to do it for the kids. I put their names in the drawing anyway. That's the first time I cheated. LOL!
Then there were others who emailed saying that they didn't have a blog to post on, but that they would send postcards anyway. I also included their names in the drawing. That's the second time I cheated.
Anyway, I went to random.org to pick a winner. Nita of Nita's Things came up the winner. Well, I didn't want her to win cause she's one of my friends and I was afraid people would think I had cheated. Which I had, but in a good way. LOL! So, this lead to the third time I cheated....
I wrote names on pieces of paper, put them in a bowl and picked one. I actually pulled Nita's name! So, I'm all out of ways to cheat and am giving it to Nita. Congrats! I hope you use the gift certificate to buy me something! LOL!
Thank you so much to everyone who is helping us with this project. I'm so excited and can't wait to see where our first post card will arrive from.
Remember you can send postcards to us all year long at...
Ms. Brown's Class
Greynolds Park Elementary
1536 N.E. 179th Street
North Miami Beach, FL 33162