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I survived the 100th day of school! It was a very fun and tiring day. A few years ago we all ordered T-shirts from Really Good Stuff that say "My students are 100 days smarter!" and most of us remembered to wear them today. LOL! I always love the reaction from the kids when they realize that we're wearing the same shirts. They never seem to figure out that we planned it that way and we never tell them. I always claim that everyone else just copied me. LOL!
I took lots of pictures today and will share them as soon as I have a chance to do something with them.
I was kind of sad this morning because we only had 98 postcards. I know that's a pretty good number and even if we didn't get 100 we had lots of fun, learned about new places and made some new friends. BUT, then the mail came and brought postcards 99, 100 and 101! The cards that put us over the top were from Utah, Los Angeles and the Spam Museum in Minnesota. We were so excited!
I know that there are more postcards on the way from the messages I've received and we're still excited about receiving them. If we get 77 more cards that will average out to be one postcard for every day of school this year. LOL!
I wanted to share another layout I made with Deanna's portion of the Chocolate Cherry Blog Train. Did you visit all the blogs and pick up the goodies? The designers did an amazing job and were so nice to give us everything they made!

Deanna will be giving away another kit on her blog on February 12th called Music and you are going to love it!
This is another layout I made with Shel's 100 Days of School Kit...

You'll be seeing more of this kit as I scrap today's pictures!
Right now, you can go to Pretty Scrappy and for just $10 pick up a huge charity collab kit that Shel participated in. The money raised from the sell of the kit will go to help people diagnosed with ectodermal dysplasias.
Now I am exhausted so I'm going to bed. Enjoy your day!