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Friday, January 17, 2014

Sugared Lemons

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One of my students gave me a sugared lemons candle from Bath & Body Works.


I burned it for a little while last night after I got my crazy fire alarm sorted out.

Seriously, who else does that?  You know, come home to a fire alarm that thinks it is supposed to beep every two minutes and think, "Hey, maybe I'll light that new candle I got!"  Lol!

Anyway, the candle was great.  Not too strong or too sweet, but the best part about it is that I could still smell it when I got home from work today.  It smelled like someone had been in my house baking cookies.  Really good cookies!

Seriously, I could bring in someone who doesn't know me and convince them that I had been baking....from scratch!

Anyone who knows me would be looking for the cookie scented air freshener, but a total stranger would be completely fooled!



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