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None of my friends seem to agree with me on this, but I don't like the time change. It was nice getting that extra hour of sleep, but I hate wasting my daylight hours going to work. I would much rather be able to enjoy them after I get off work. Now it's getting dark way too early!
One of my old students came to visit me today. I share a birthday with his big brother, so I told him that it wasn't much longer until my birthday and that I was going to be 7. Well, he remembered that I turned 6 last year when he was in my class and he called me on it. He announced that I wasn't going to be 6 like I was telling my class, but that I was going to be 7. LOL!
Want to get a great kit for a wonderful price and some free recipe cards too? April has her Holiday Baking kit on sale now and it using it for a recipe card exchange. Just buy the kit and use it to make a digital recipe card with one of your favorite recipes on it. Email the card to April before November 30th and you'll receive links to download all the submitted cards.
Doesn't that sound like fun! You can use the recipe cards for yourself and/or give them to someone for a Christmas present. They'll make a great Christmas present for someone who is newly married, just moving out on their own, or is like me and can't cook. LOL!
Check out the flier below then head over to April's blog for more details.

It's my bedtime so I'm going to get some sleep. Enjoy your day and make sure you look for me at digifree!