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Today we received two postcards from Washington State. Olympia and Mount Rainier. What a beautiful area! As a kid my family lived in Seattle, but I had forgotten how pretty it is out there.
Sadly, today brought more bad news for my school. Three more teachers got cut. We're not losing students, just teachers. That means some grade levels have way more kids in their rooms then they should have. We lost one Spanish teacher and two class room teachers. I'm not sure if this latest change will effect my class room or the number of students I've got, but it's so sad. Sad for the teachers and for the students that have bonded with them for the last 29 school days.
Tomorrow is our 30th day of school and that means it's Zero the Hero day. I'm ready this time. I've got Apple Jacks for the snack and the coloring sheets are printed and ready to be colored.
Now, I'm going to bed. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!