Earlier today I lost a bet and because someone (and by someone I mean me) was just a little over confident I'll be paying for it for the next two weeks.
I won't tell you what the bet was because you'll just laugh at me and say that I deserved to lose. LOL! Anyway, if I had won I would be sitting pretty for the next two weeks, but since I didn't I can't eat anything chocolate for the next two weeks.
Now, everyone knows that chocolate is very important to me. I honestly believe that chocolate makes everything better!
Had your heart broken---eat some chocolate
Have a headache---eat some chocolate
Feeling bored---eat some chocolate
Having a bad day---eat some chocolate
Having a good day---eat some chocolate
Etc, etc, etc...
After I lost, I tried to clarify exactly what no chocolate meant---Are we talking chocolate candy? Chocolate cake? Chocolate milk? Chocolate ice cream? Well, I got an answer---ABSOLUTELY NO CHOCOLATE AT ALL!
Since, I had already eaten a mini pack of M&Ms during the execution of the bet (LOL) my punishment won't be over until July 27th. It's going to be hard, but I will survive! Mainly because I'm not going to give my friends the pleasure of saying that I couldn't make it.
Now, I just need to clarify if this bet is still counts when I'm not in Miami because I'll be leaving town two different times before the two weeks are up. LOL!
If I make blog posts that are completely non-understandable during this time, don't worry---it's just the withdrawals. LOL!