Download wordart
hereWhen we were working on our parts of the Homespun Christmas blog train
Shel got carried away and made a wonderfully fabulous full kit. Yesterday was your last chance to pick it up for free. You can still get the kit---just go to
her Stuff to Scrap store! Here's a preview of the kit...

Now, to celebrate the kit going into the store, I've got a couple of goodies for you. First you get a candy bar wrapper. Then you get a quickpage. The download links are below the pictures.
Here's the candy wrapper. The back is left blank so you can add your own message.

Download candy wrapper
hereHere's the quickpage.

Download QP
hereLook for a great freebie collab kit from
Shel next week!
Tomorrow at school we're having a puppet show performance of The Grinch. This will be the third year these ladies have visited us to put on this show and I am so excited about it. I'm kind of feeling like The Grinch now so maybe watching the puppet show will help put me in the mood for Christmas.
I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at