Download wordart hereHere's a beautiful new kit that was put together to help Taylor, an eleven year old girl who is suffering from cancer. Several awesome designers---Digi-designs by Nicole, Growing Pains Scrapped, Adriana's Cafe, IvoryKeys Digital Dreams and Every EverAfter Moment Designs have contributed to this huge kit. There are even some quick pages that were made using templates by Manda's Scrappin Creations.
You can visit
the donation blog to read more about Taylor.
For a donation of $5.99, this kit can be yours. 100% of the money will go to help pay for Taylor's medical expenses.
ANY amount you can donate will be helpful and appreciated! As a matter of fact, there is a set of quick pages that will be given to everyone who makes a donation.
Take a look at the previews...

Please visit
the blog that has been set up For Taylor and make a donation that will help her and her family. Just for visiting and reading a little about her story you will find a free frame cluster download.