I didn't quite understand trick or treating when I was very young. I tried to insist that I be allowed to eat my candy after every house. LOL! I told you that I had a sweet tooth!
I remember the streets being filled with families going house to house. I remember the decorations in the yards. I remember my dad standing back and watching as we walked up to a house and rang the doorbell. I remember the neighbors pretending not to know us when they opened the door. I remember getting mad when someone gave me an apple instead of chocolate. I remember going home and sorting out the "good" candy from the "bad" and in those days the "bad" candy was the kind that I didn't like. My parents always checked it over but we didn't really have to worry about someone putting something in the candy.
I think it's sad that kids today won't have those memories. The areas that still allow trick or treating mainly have it during daylight hours. Where I live the kids hit up Lincoln Road and go to the stores for their trick or treating. Then they're off the streets before the sun goes down and the adults come out to play.
When it comes to Halloween I miss the old days. Here's a couple of goodies for anyone else that misses it too...
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