Man, this long weekend sure went by fast. It's ending now that means that November is ending too. (sigh) Now, my birthday month is ending and I have to go back to work tomorrow. (double sigh). That's OK though, cause now I get to start MY CHRISTMAS MONTH! LOL!
I've already pulled out my favorite book How Murray Saved Christmas by Mike Reiss to take to school tomorrow. Do you know this book? Santa gets hurt and Murray, the Jewish diner owner, has to deliver the Christmas presents. LOL!
We also have to start planning for our annual trip on The Polar Express. That means we put the chairs in aisles like a train and read the book to the kids while they drink hot chocolate and eat cookies. LOL!
A couple of years ago I had a student that insisted to his mother that we REALLY were going on the REAL Polar Express. He told her all about how I had gone online and bought the tickets. LOL! (I designed and printed them ) This year I have his little brother. Somehow, I don't think he will be as easily fooled.
I finally got the new tags put on my car this morning. The old ones expired on the 15th. LOL! I had been riding around with the new one on the seat beside me in case I got pulled over. LOL! Trust me, with the way I drive, it's a miracle I didn't get pulled over! Anyway, I went out this morning determined to get the new tags on. I took two different screwdrivers and a butter knife with me cause I couldn't remember what I used the last time I had to change the tags. LOL! (It's so much easier when they just give you the little stickers!) It turns out the the screwdriver I threw into my purse at the last minute "just in case" was the one I needed.
It's supposed to rain so I pulled the car up to the top of the parking garage so that it would be outside and the rain could help wash some of the dirt off of it. LOL! Yeah, lets see how much luck I have remembering that when I go out in the morning and can't find my car! So far no rain, just lots of clouds and wind. The sky is getting darker though I sure hope it's not raining when I have to go to work in the morning!
Today's wordart is for everyone (like me) that needs to explain to Santa why they just couldn't be good this year. You can get it here
Now, I need to go concentrate on the football game. Miami is currently beating St. Louis 13 -9!