Well, after too much food, too many bottles of wine, a sunset sail around the bay and a very late night I had painters outside my window at 8:30 this morning. As soon as they break for lunch I'm going back to bed. LOL!
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by the best friends a person can have. There weren't even any major food disasters. The smoke alarm only went off once. LOL!
Years ago, when I still lived in North Carolina, one of my friends decided she was going to cook dinner for four of us. Since I am totally hopeless near kitchen appliances, I watched football with the guys while she worked in the kitchen. She was so proud of herself for planning a special meal and wanted so badly for everything to be perfect. She searched for the perfect recipes and set a beautiful table. Most of the recipes she found served 8 people and there were only four of us. So, she very cleverly cut all the ingredients in half and then proceeded to cook the meal at half the temperature for half the time. I'm not kidding! It was way worse than any thing I've ever tried to cook. We ended up ordering pizza.
I hope that your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as mine was and that you've added more special memories into your book of life. Have a great "day after" and make sure you pick up today's wordart here
I love todays word art, what a wonderful saying! Thanks! And it is so weird to me that you are just celebrating Thanksgiving now, as I live in Alberta, Canada and we had Thanksgiving way back in October, so all I've been thinking about is Christmas for over a month! Hope your holidays were good though!