Download wordart here
I am so excited! I ordered the Wii Sports Resort last week and I just did the package tracking thing and it has arrived in Miami. That means it should be delivered to my house tomorrow! Now, lets hope the UPS guy leaves the package with the ladies in the mail room since I'll be at work.
Speaking of work, I asked April to make a tooth fairy kit for me since I always have at least a couple of kids that lose teeth at school every year. Check out this great kit that she put together for me...

You can get the kit at her Scrap it Sassy store. I made two quick pages with the kit - one for boys and one for girls. Now all I need is for someone to lose a tooth. LOL!
I've giving you the boy QP today. If you come back tomorrow you'll get the same page in pink for the girls. Your download link is below the picture.

Download QP here
Now, I've got to go finish up some laundry and get ready for the season finale of True Blood. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 11 post on Sep. 14, 2009. Thanks again.