Download wordart here
I don't even want to tell you how many hours I spent playing the wii sport resort last night. LOL! I woke up this morning with a sore arm from all the sword fighting. I kicked orange croc guys butt at the sword fighting! Wake boarding----not so much. LOL!
We had so much rain over night that my poor street was almost flooded when I left this morning. If we had gotten a little more rain, maybe I could have stayed home and played on the wii some more. LOL!
Have I told you that I'm having a fairly stressful school year? Well, just to let you know how stressful it is one of my students gave me a jar of Ponds cold cream as a gift today. You know it's bad when a 5 year old boy feels the need to give you wrinkle cream! LOL! Then just to pour salt on my wounds the high school volunteers in my room had no idea what it was and I had to explain to them that it was for wrinkles and they laughed at me! The little boy stood there smiling from ear to ear saying, "Yep, I gived it to her." LOL!
Deanna has made it to the second round of the SAS-Y Lady contest! YIPPEE!!! Here's a preview of the adorable kit she put together for the contest...

Don't you just love it! You can download this free kit here.
While you're at Stone Accent, please vote for Deanna's kit. You can vote here. After you give Deanna your vote, head over to her blog and download a free add on to the BFF Kit.
Now, here's a little more good news where Deanna is concerned. The wonderful Whimsy Flyte Kit is on sell this week!

The kit is in the store at Stuff to Scrap. Deanna's part is here and Scrappy Cocoa's part is here.
I've got another QP for you that I made with Deanna's part of the kit. The wordart isn't on the page so if you want it make sure you download it from the top of this post. The download link for the QP is under the picture.

Download QP here
Now, I'm going to go apply some wrinkle cream and practice my wii wake boarding. LOL!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 13 post on Sep. 16, 2009. Thanks again.