Download wordart here
I am so excited about New Moon on Friday and I know I'm not the only one. LOL! Today I had three high school volunteers in my class working and they were all talking about going. One of the girls doesn't have her ticket yet and was worried that she wouldn't get in. I let her know that I'm probably going to have an extra one and if she can have the ticket if she needs it. Then I told her that she would have to promise to sit far, far away from my friends and I because we're really "cool" and just can't have her ruining our reputation. Those poor girls are probably still laughing. LOL!
I had some time to play with the Love Story Kit by Carol's Digiscrap Creations again and I love the layout I made. It's sweet and simple. Right now, I'm on a sweet and simple kick.

This beautiful kit is on sale in Carol's store at Cool Scraps Digital. Make sure you pick it up!
Don't forget to visit Deanna and Kathy's blog today to get the next part of the Gratitude collab. Here's a layout I made with Deanna's part of the kit...

I told you I was into sweet and simple. LOL! On Thursday I'm going to have a QP for you that I made with this awesome kit.
Today you get another quickpage that was made with April's new Let It Snow kit. I love this kit! With this QP you've got plenty of room to add lots of journaling or even another picture or two. Just make the page your own. The download link is below the picture.

Download QP here
I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and look for me at Digifree!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 10 post on Nov. 17, 2009. Thanks again.